Big Mouth Makes Big Changes


Gage Landauer, Feature Editor, Writer

The subject matter of Big Mouth is controversial and arguably inappropriate. Imagine a sex ed documentary but written by stand up comedians. It is just as educational but also pretty hilarious. I’m going to avoid talking about the more touchy subjects and keep this article as vanilla as possible but I feel I do need to establish that this show is pretty ridiculous and again arguably inappropriate. If you want to learn about my opinion about Big Mouth you can see my article from last month. 

Originally Big Mouth wanted to discuss and satirize what it was like to be a developing teenager, but especially in this season, they have tried to take on more serious topics. These topics include mental illness, toxic masculinity, sexism, racism, and sexual identities. I really appreciate how goofy and gross the show can be while taking on serious topics in very mature and informative ways. It’s especially refreshing in an adult animated show. 

The problems that the characters face are well written. Nick Birch (Nick Kroll) and his long-time friend Andrew Glouberman (John Mulaney) have begun to drift apart and argue more and more. Nick has gained more confidence and become more judgmental towards Andrew. and Andrew has had to come to grips with his failings due to his lack of confidence in the past. Andrew breaks ties with nick saying that Nick’s constant ridicule has been hurting his feelings and holding him back for too long.


A character who in the past was the vilest and toxic character, Jay Bilzerian (Jason Mantzoukas) is explored much further. In previous seasons his abusive home life was played for jokes. But in this season he is separated from his family long enough for him to realize that there is a problem. He realizes that he is bisexual, he realizes that he has attention deficit disorder and, that he may have the power to hopefully reeducate his family and fix his home life. He also struggles with coming out as bisexual to his friends, but due to his past of inappropriate behavior, they don’t believe him and assume that he is attempting to get attention. 


Jessi Glaser (Jessi Klein) fights sexism in the school while also fighting the depression that has been looming over her since the previous season. She is also coping with her parent’s divorce and her own changing body. Missy Forman-Greenwald (Jenny Slate) who has been characterized as mousy spends this season growing more defiant. She begins to proclaim her feelings and opinions and defend them. Both these characters are very likable and are used to discuss some of the shows more serious topics. I hope that these characters are given more time by themselves in the future seasons.


All of these characters are complex for thirteen-year-olds in an animated comedy. Their storylines build onto the themes of the show and advance the plot in intelligent ways. But some characters do not help the show’s narrative at all, namely coach steve. Coach steve really represents the depraved gross-out humor that really just hurts the show’s reputation. Most of this season he is used for brief jokes that aren’t that funny. He used best in this way though with occasionally funny dialogues. Coach steve does not represent the best this show can offer. Overall this season really shows the potential this show has. And I think the season represents the bright future this show has.