Changes in the Kitchen


Destiny Stepp and Hayley Morgan, Survey Editor/Feature Editor

Shiloh Ficek, a new face to the kitchen staff, and a new face to Yamhill-Carlton’s athletic community. With this new addition to the kitchen staff, Ficek can add new healthy ideas to the lunch menu. The paninis and grilled cheese are new additions to the school lunch  this year.

After President Donald Trump brought his new guidelines for the nutritional program to the table Patricia Flaige  here said, “He’s going to do things he’s mentioned like adding more salt, cutting out whole grains, and going back to some more of the white that’s more palatable.”

These new rules and guidelines that may come with  Trump’s presidency currently has the lunch staff tied up in confusion. Because of how vague Trump’s plans are, it leaves a lot of room for speculation.

For an example adding in the use of spices. Something Ficek wants to add to the lunch ingredients is more salt. Ficek and the crew hope to bring in these changes by the beginning of the next school year.

From time to time, people ask what’s in the food, and why is it the way it is. With Michelle Obama’s administration bringing in the regulations for schools, the food contained more grains and serving size requirements. Although with Trump’s changed, in bringing more white breads and salt, the lunches will override Obama’s move.

Trump’s move can be both beneficial, and risky on children’s health. It is unknown where this move will take the public, but only the food can tell.