YCHS Art Program

Students current work (Picture Credit: Vera)

Mr. Barrows stands in his art room (Picture Credit: Vera)

Armon Barrows is the  new high school art teacher. He wasn’t always into art right after he got into college. Barrows became became a teacher right around 2001. Barrows then got into cartooning and illustration art. 

Barrows Thinks art is important because “Covers areas that other subjects might not, like creativity and a good way to show what people like and dislike more than in other classes.” 

Onyx Barnhill is a sophomore student in Barrows class he was introduced to art from his aunt and says his favorite thing about art is the outcome. His favorite type of art is crafts like cardboard cutouts, poster making, and digital art. 

Barnhill says art is important to him because “ it makes me feel relaxed and good because it’s something I actually know what to do well.” 

Barnhill also says art is his whole personality and love making funky are that most people will find weird out “not art” but he says “art is ANYTHING you make it yo be even we other people think it not.” 

Freshmen Madisen jenning is a student in Barrows class and she says “ Art helps me when I’m having a bad or stressful day and it makes me happy that I get to look forward to my class in Mr.Barrows room.” 

She loves to draw whenever she gets the chance to, which is normally a sometimes trippy type of drawing. Drawing gives her more self comfort and helps her express what she may be feeling. Which normally turns into her being happy. 

Charlotte Billings, a senior in Barrows class, has always been a part of her life since she was a kid because her mom would always give her  and art to do at home. She loves working with carcols and enjoys drawing sunflowers. 

Art is important to Billings because “ It’s always been a part of growing up for me and helps me calm down makes me happy.” She wants all of you to know that school is important and to “stay in school kids.”  Art is a huge part of our school at YCHS and is important to be taught and learn about more than people think. Art isnt random things on a piece of paper it’s more than that it’s a feeling of comfort and relaxation and a way to get out of your out of your head.