Yamhill-Carlton high school staff spring break plans

Everyone has different plans for their spring break, staff and students all enjoy different activities and vacation destinations. Some students may just enjoy staying home and relaxing, while others would rather go to the beach.
Yamhill Carlton staff members all enjoy their spring breaks, Joci Clark, YC’s global studies, social studies and economics teacher even says, “I think there should be more breaks given.”
The school Clark used to work at had a lot of breaks; they had two winter breaks, two spring breaks, A break in February, and a break in October. Then she says, “There was a break about every two months, for a week!”
Clark hopes to go to the beach this spring break, she plans on taking her new puppy, Oakley, and her two kids, along with her fiance.
Robin Culver, YC’s counseling office secretary registrar, is going to go to Portland with her husband and son, because her husband has some conferences he needs to attend. They plan on staying in a hotel for a couple of days, one with a pool of course, and then going to Seaside. Culver really enjoys the beach.
Mindy Senn, the vice principal secretary, plans on going down to Roseburg to stay with her mother-in-law. She is going with her husband and two dogs. One of the dogs, named Gideon belongs to her and her husband, but the other dog, Baxter, is her son’s dog. Senn goes down very often to take care of her mother-in-law.
Trevor da Silva is planning on coaching his rugby practices and games, then the whole team is going over to his house for a barbecue, he says, “We will have some fun on the trampoline and have a little nerf battle.” da Silva’s plans are generic, but at least he’ll be having fun.
If these YC staff members could go anywhere for a spring break,  Clark would go to Thailand, Mexico, or even Indonesia.
Cluver would go to Bora Bora, she has never been, but says, “The water is all clear.”
Senn would like to go to Mexico, not only because it is a pretty destination, but also because her daughter is getting married there.
If da Silva could go anywhere for spring break he would go to New Zealand and watch some rugby, he would even go cage diving with alligators, he says, “As Long as the cage is locked.” he then goes on to talk about the 25 foot alligator that you can pay to feed out of little slots in the cage that you’re in. Although da Silva is afraid of these huge, “dinosaurs” he still dreams about swimming with them.
Everyone loves a break from school, or work, and traveling for spring break seems to be one of the best adventures for YC’s staff. The staff enjoy everything from a simple hotel stay, to swimming with alligators, Yamhill Carlton high school has some adventurous staff.