YC Track Team Pulls Through in Shortened Season

Provided by Renee McKinney

Some track athletes practicing on the track.

Sports have been looking a lot different as we navigate through COVID-19 and Yamhill Carlton High School’s track team is not the exception. With a shortened season of just five and a half weeks after 2020’s cancellation, the team is nervous, however determined. 

Last year we had 45 student-athletes on the team and this year we have 25.  Track and Field meets are very hard to find due to limited participation.  The season is incredibly short and having time to get into good shape is proving difficult,” says Tracie Looney, track coach for Yamhill-Carlton. 

The team has been working hard at practices, trying to prepare with the little time given. “I can’t lie, the transition back hasn’t been the easiest,” track athlete Olivia Southard says. “I am glad to be back though, I think it is going to be a great season for the entire team.”

Looney feels the same. “We have an amazing group of athletes and coaches out for this 2021 season. They are committed and fun to work with.” 

And with a brand new track, the team is set and ready to go. Donations from the YC Booster Club and the community funded the costs to install a new track surface. It’s proved to be an excellent investment. 

The team hosted their first meet on the new track, with three other teams in attendance. With help and support from the volunteering YC teaching staff, the meet was able to be held and went well. 

But as important as meets are, what the team was really working hard for was the state meet in May. 

The team did great this year at the state competition, with many athletes placing in the top three of their event. 

Trey Richmond placed 1st in the 300 hurdles and 2nd in the 110 hurdles. Hunter Stephenson placed 3rd in both discus and shotput and Cristin Brethower came 3rd in the 1500 meter and 1st in the 3000-meter run. 

Even with an unusual season and some minor issues, the Tigers managed to pull through in this shortened track season and make great placements in State.