CTE Dome Update: After Completion

An Aerial View of the Domes.
At YCHS, the first dome has been completed, and classes are being held in it regularly. It has been a challenge to get here, due to the water pressure event recently, but the dome is completely open.
Now that the focus isn’t on water pressure or other problems, teachers (and students!) can begin to relax and get used to the building. Two specific teachers are getting used to the change. Trevor DaSilva, the manufacturing teacher, is one of them. DaSilva expressed that the dome is very convenient and flows well for him. He did point out, however, that there aren’t a lot of internet ports, something he needs for his classes.
When asked how he would describe his time in the dome, DaSilva responded, “We have been building and setting up the shop exactly how we want it. We could not do this before. Now that we have a clean slate it has been very nice.”
The other teacher is Brittany Hartmann. She is the school’s Physical Sciences teacher. She also seemed to enjoy the dome but had a similar problem to DaSilva’s. For her class, there aren’t as many gas valves as she would have liked. “But,” she said, “we will make do!”
When asked how she would describe her time in the dome, she replied, “I would say that my time has been enjoyable. The bright space is more uplifting than my previous dark and dingy classroom.”
In the end, it seems that the CTE dome is satisfying to the teachers working in it. The other dome, which will be our new gym, is still under construction but should be completed soon enough.

My name is Nathaniel Burkhart, and I am a Sophomore. I enjoy clubs such as DND. I prefer British-English. My favorite subject right now is Theatre. I worship...