Senior Project Breakdown

Jack Kinser, Staff Reporter

The Senior project is the biggest test of knowledge, comprehension,  determination, and time management skills that high school can make students do. One huge factor of choosing what to research for the project is to find something that inspires you to learn. Or something that interests you in a such a manner that you are willing to explore every in and out of that topic. The topic you choose does not have to be something you are comfortable being around and could absolutely be something you’ve never really seen before. Although, having a topic that you love makes the process that Mrs. Henry puts you through a million times easier.

If you are fortunate enough to have your entire project planned out before you even enter senior year, I personally suggest you get on top of your stuff right away! Time goes by so fast and life is very unpredictable; sometimes things don’t work out the way you want them to. So be ready to adapt and overcome, but stay focused on what you want to do.

The research is very fundamental in every aspect of your project, you will be finding articles and testing their credibility, and you will write an essay based on your information from your articles, then you will be doing a speech in class on your paper that you have written. Don’t worry! As long as you are very well informed on your topic your stress levels will only be mildly high.

When it comes to the 15-hour portion of your project this is where I personally ran into some problems. I did my Senior project on the evolution of Hip Hop through technological advancements throughout time. And my 15 hours was supposed to be spent learning about how to create a beat in an actual studio from start to finish. Although finding mentors for this particular project, especially to help for free, was near impossible. After cutting it very close and days of constant stress, a mentor was finally able to offer me all the help that he could. Which was helping me create a beat off of a turntable.  The moral of that brief story is that you can never be too sure about what is set up, and to always keep a backup plan in case the mentors you scheduled, ask for money in order to help, or just flat out don’t respond. All in all, the Senior Project should be what you want it to be, but never expect it to go how you want it to go.