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  • November 20Upcoming dates to remember: Thanksgiving Break Nov. 25-29, Teacher Work Day Dec. 20, Winter Break Dec. 21-Jan. 3, Beginning of J-Term Jan. 6
The Student News Site of Yamhill Carlton High School

The YC Journal

The Student News Site of Yamhill Carlton High School

The YC Journal

The Student News Site of Yamhill Carlton High School

The YC Journal

Caden Livingston

Caden Livingston, Staff Writer

Hi! I’m Caden Livingston and I’m a senior at YC. I’m a local musician around Yamhill county and also the guitar teacher for YCTC. Music has taken over all aspects of my life and I hope to bring the music to The YC Journal!  I’ve always had a passion for writing whether it be songs, history papers, or fictional stories, and I hope to make my mark in my first ever year of journalism. 

All content by Caden Livingston