YCHS FFA Chapter Officer Election Recap

Yamhill Carlton High school has a large involvement in the FFA program and agriculture projects. Every year the FFA team is run by the students therefore creating officer positions that students can fill. This year a large amount of the slate was seniors but as they leave they are being replaced with juniors who have learned from them. Freshmen and sophomores are also on the officer team but the main roles like president and vice president are run by upperclassmen.
According to the organization’s website, “FFA is the premier youth organization preparing members for leadership and careers in the science, business and technology of agriculture.”
FFA or Future Farmers of America is an organization that teaches students fundamental life skills. It also teaches students how to properly run or be involved in a business meeting. At every meeting the FFA officers run it as if it were a true business meeting.
YC’s Officer team includes Chaplin James Brewer, Historian Briana Titular, Sentinel Masen Lemen, Reporter Madison Gregor, Treasurer Chloe Warren, Secretary Halle Kerr, Vice President Nora Liesegang, and finally President Briley Ingram.
Ingram has been involved in FFA for four years, her first year being in 9th grade. She shows sheep at the county fair and competes in many other competitions in FFA. These include Ag sales, livestock judging, Parliamentary Procedure, and several more.
“FFA has been an extremely important part of my high school experience. Through FFA I have provided me with so many different opportunities through events, competitions and the viticulture program. You are able to learn all aspects of leadership while being able to stand up and advocate for agriculture,” says Ingram.
Ingram has grown through her FFA experiences and it has overall paved a path for her and her future. She says, “Through FFA I have been able to expand my knowledge within marketing and viticulture, as well as competing at the state level for several different competitions. I have been provided several different scholarship opportunities and been able to apply and take advantage of several different officer positions at the chapter and district level. Lastly, I have been able to make lifelong friendships along the way.”
Ingram embodies the characteristics to make a positive and well placed leader for our organization and It will be a journey watching her in her leadership role in her last year of FFA.
Vice president Liesegang has been involved in FFA for four years as well. She shows market goats and is also involved in many of the same activities as Ingram.
“It means that people look up to me and see me as a role model. Being in this position is kinda scary because people are always watching you but at the same time an honor because you get to help those younger than you,” she says.
Liesegang has learned a lot about herself and her passions in her four years of FFA and she says, “I have found my passions through FFA and it truly changed my life. I have also met some amazing people through this organization and it’s done so much for me.”
She looks forward to her last year in this organization and hopes to take her new found passions into her career in becoming a veterinarian.
Our president and vice president also gave us a small amount of insight on the election process. It is similar to that of a job interview and is another great way that FFA involves real life experiences into its activities.
Liesegang says, “There is a nominating committee that performs interviews on the candidates and then slates them where they think they would perform best at. All the candidates then give speeches and the chapter votes on the slate.”
Ingram furthers this by stating that speeches, paperwork, and lots of determination goes into becoming an officer.
Overall, the FFA officer team is doing well in their leadership positions already and next year when they are officially the new officers they will blend the organization into a positive and successful group of people.
Our president and vice president also gave us a small amount of insight on the election process. It is similar to that of a job interview and is another great way that FFA involves real life experiences into its activities.
Liesegang says, “There is a nominating committee that performs interviews on the candidates and then slates them where they think they would perform best at. All the candidates then give speeches and the chapter votes on the slate.”
Ingram furthers this by stating that speeches, paperwork, and lots of determination goes into becoming an officer.
Overall, the FFA officer team is doing well in their leadership positions already and next year when they are officially the new officers they will blend the organization into a positive and successful group of people.