McKechnie and Clark Start fresh at Yamhill-Carlton
Everyone has to start somewhere, especially when it comes to teaching. Yamhill Carlton has gone through teacher after teacher, especially in the last couple of years. New teachers are hard to come by, especially good ones.
This year YC has gotten lucky. With a handful of amazing new teachers, ready to educate the students of YC. Brad McKechnie and Joci Clark are two of YC’s newest teachers; they are both thrilled to be at Yamhill Carlton.
McKechnie, known to his football team as Coach, started out at Springfield High School, then went and taught at Marshfield where he taught PE classes and health classes for seven years. But when the head coaching job at YC was offered to him he knew where he was meant to be.
McKechnie has always had a passion for football; he grew up in a family with three boys, where football was a big focus in their family.
Being with family is a big deal for McKechnie, he has “an amazing wife” and two great kids. He loves spending time outdoors, especially camping. But when it comes to football, that is the biggest family of them all.
Clark is known to her students as Miss Clark and Coach Clark. This year is her first year of teaching, and she is also helping coach soccer and basketball. She was a substitute teacher and coach for many years and has been working at schools since she was 19. She started at YC because it was close to where she lived and because she likes,“ the smaller school vibes.”
Clark loves hiking and camping. She even loves snowboarding. Her time with her two kids is most important to her. She even loves taking them on vacation, especially Disneyland.
A fall wedding has always been on Clark’s mind. And now, being engaged, she is excited to start planning!
YC is a small school, with a big heart. Getting to know our teachers is just as important as learning from them, we can learn from, and respect our new teachers. Knowing more about them and their personal life is just a plus.