Yamhill-Carlton Highschool football team making history!
On Saturday November 9th, YC football team this year was the first time they hosted a playoff game. The final score was 27-23 and although they lost, the team had made huge strides this year.
For their league score, the team was 9-0, undefeated for the first time since 2007, and got the league champion title. This was a huge accomplishment for the team, especially for the seniors. During their freshman year, the football team had a score of 0-9.
Coach Brennon Mossholder said, “I would specifically point out the years of dedication by our senior class who has really put in a lot of time and effort to being great. There have been years of before school workouts, summer training sessions and grueling practices that have led up to this point.” He also went on to say “Our seniors also did a fantastic job of being student leaders. It makes my job a lot easier as a coach when I can count on our senior leaders to help guide the younger guys to do the right thing.”
Senior Samuel Dixon talks about how the big change from the losing season freshman year to being undefeated this year felt like and what kept him motivated. Dixon said, “It felt rewarding and satisfying to see all the improvement since freshman year. Our coach kept us motivated every week. Some advice for younger guys, work hard in the off-season and trust your coaches.”
Senior Jamie Garcia also talked about how it felt for him. Garcia said, “It felt great to make a change. From going from a low winning season and many mistakes within the team to a league title great team strong team and fast team with minimal mistakes. The change was needed and felt great once we finally made it happen.”
Not only did the football team have a successful season, but the boys finished in the top 10 in the 3a team GPA.
In other news for YC teams, the girls soccer team also hosted a playoff game on Saturday November 9th, which they won and went on to the semi finals. In the semi finals they lost 1-5. The girls cross country team made it to state, and performed very well. The girls cross country team placed 10th in state and Christian Brethower placed 11th as an individual.

I am Lela McInnis, a junior, and I like shopping and make-up, and I absolutely love petting dogs and cows. Something I like about writing and is it gives...