Tiny House Leads to Big Accomplishments for Students
Students in the advanced manufacturing class have a rather unique opportunity, they get to build a tiny house. In the class, the students have to build a tiny house on a trailer that can be pulled by a full size pickup truck. The students built the whole thing from the trailer up.
So far the students in Trever Dasilva’s class have completed all the steps up until the electrical and plumbing steps. This includes the framing, siding, windows, supports, and even the second story.
During the build process, they have faced some challenges, mostly small minor challenges. Challenges such as tools not working, or wrong cuts and measurements. But they won’t let things like that stop them or slow them down. Dasilva said that his goal for having it done is by the end of this term.
He also said that when they are done with it they are going to sell it. Dasilva is hoping to get $30,000 out of it. And with that money he will buy the materials to build a new tiny house. They do not yet have a buyer for this tiny house, they are going to wait till they are closer to being finished then they are going to advertise it.
The class has a positive impact on the students as well. They are learning new skills and getting a break from the normal school classes. Sophomore Cooper Brattain said, ¨It is interesting, it’s different from normal shop classes too.” There are all kinds of new skills students are learning. Some of these include electrical as well as how to properly insulate a building. ¨I like the environment of the class. It’s very lively and light hearted.” said Brattain, talking about what he like the most in the class.

My name is James McAnelly. I'm a sophomore. I like being on the YC staff because we get to write informational articles to keep others informed. Some of...