YC Girls Soccer Reaches Quarter-Finals

After beating Blanchet Catholic on November third with a score of 5-3 Yamhill Carlton High School soccer girls won the right to host playoffs. Nyssa High School drove seven hours to come play against us only to lose 5-0. By beating Nyssa, YC moved to the next level of playoffs.

In this round YC played against Blanchet Catholic for the fourth time this season. They had previously tied against Blanchet once and beat them twice. This game was possibly the dirtiest game in the season, with yellow cards going to both sides.

While each team got one yellow card, Blanchet should have had many more. Their players commited many fouls that were not called by the refs. The Blanchet girls would double team YC’s players tripping them and then kicking them on the ground.

They scored one goal on YC and then started to kick the ball out of bounds whenever it came near their goal. They started playing boot ball and slowed the game down while still fouling YC’s players.

Sophomore Jordan Martin stated that, “There were moments of doubt or too much confidence that led us to losing the Blanchet game. We hadn’t lost against them three times and figured we wouldn’t again.” Through cheating, poor reffing and to much confidence from the YC girls Blanchet managed to pull out a win against the YC girls.

Martin felt that the season went well and that she personally improved a lot this season from last season. Junior Aliya Seibel also thought that they had a good season and thought that it was better this year than last year with more connection between the team members.

Siebel stated that, “Even though we lost the Blanchet game we still played better than in the Nyssa game.” She said that Nyssa was her worst game of the season and that she thinks the same for the rest of the team.