October 11th Board Meeting
At Thursday’s, October 11 school board meeting there was a lot of conversation on the desire for a school resource officer and a lot about the domes. For a few minutes they touched on the school’s budget and the Sources of Strength anti-bullying program lead by students.
They also talked about the certified staff disbanding their local union to join the much larger union of the Oregon Education Association or OEA. Due to this transition there has been a deduction from the staff payroll to pay for the union membership.
Superintendent Charan Cline brought up the desire to to hire a school resource officer and what they are looking for in one. The school is also looking for a retired police officer to patrol the grounds of YCHS and YCIS. Board Member Ken Watson implied that the school would benefit from a resource officer.
Cline also mentioned how students were more disappointed than staff for not being able to being able to move to the dome yet. This delay has affected multiple classes including all the science classes, agriculture and manufacturing teacher Trevor Dasilva’s classes. The district is working on getting the dome open as soon as possible.
In the meeting the district’s student attendance was also mentioned. It was reported that attendance for the first month was great, although some students were struggling. The total percent of present students in the high school was 96.36%. The breakdown by grade level is: Senior 96.82, Junior 95.87, Sophomore 96.69 and Freshman 96.04.
Cline also had some praise for the new high school principal Cindy Schubert. They expect a great year from all the staff and students.
Cline reported that the old gym has been repainted and the gutters are in the process of getting cleaned and will be fixed as needed. The heat is working throughout the school which is great, considering the winter is coming.
A PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) group has been helping out the school a lot recently. About a week before school started, this group came in and finished setting up desks for the classrooms.
The district is trying to get more students to sign up for the free lunch program. The district is down about 100 meals as reported by food services manager Shiloh Ficek.
The board has allowed a teacher, whom has an urgent family matter, take leave from October to February. The board allowed this with saying, “We at YC, are a family.”