YC’s school spirit for sports is higher than ever

The fall sports season is well underway and so far all of YC’s teams are going up in the league. This year we have had the most school spirit anyone has seen for a very long time, and student-athletes are starting to notice.


Aylea Dixon said that these are the best student sections she’s seen during all four of her years here at YC. Student sections have been bigger, louder and more consistent and players are all for it. Right after a win, we asked volleyball player Kennedy Ogden how she felt about the student section and she replied with “I love the student section shout out to all of you and I love you”.


Girls soccer, volleyball and football have all had amazing student sections, but the boy’s soccer team is lacking in support. When asked about the student section at his games Gavin Tuning laughed and said “There was no student section”, and he wasn’t wrong. Student sections have an impact on players, Kade Kleinstuber talked about their first home game when “the soccer girls did a cheer for us, that made us all feel good and we all talked about it.”


Having students at games effects the players in a positive way. Another quote from Kleinstuber about supporters, “I feel like it gives us all more energy throughout the whole game, cause when we hear you guys rooting for us it feels good.” And Kleinstuber is not the only one to point this out Dixon told us after a win that “They just need to keep it up because it’s helping us have energy on the court and win games and we’re all hype down here so”. After talking to many students athletes and teachers everyone is excited for the rest of the fall season. If you haven’t been to a game yet there is still time, the season ends October 18th hopefully we’ll see you there!